victory or defeat is temporary    Each of us should recognize our current self, find our own position, and walk our own path. In life, the harder you work, the luckier you will be!    Everyone has times when they face difficulties. Whenever we overcome difficulties, we will have the so-called sense of accomplishment, but what I want to say is that the sense of accomplishment is temporary, not eternal, so we will It is necessary to keep moving forward, persevere, and make this momentary achievement into a lifetime achievement.    Only at a certain time will there be a strong sense of failure, and once this time is extended indefinitely, the definition of victory or defeat will change, and that strong sense of failure will also weaken accordingly.    Perhaps an unforgettable failure will become the starting point of success in your future life, making you sincerely grateful for that so-called failure. Maybe a certain success that you are proud of will become the culprit for your future stagnation.